I try to create a Mask that only allows you to enter a hex value. The length of the input to be variable. The entry is a " 2D " or even " 2D665D etc. " allow.
The examination of the Hex value I have created a definition :
- Code: Select all
with IWCGJQEdit.Definitions.add do
name := 'h';
value := 'A-Fa-f0-9'
As Mask I Wear "Mask = 'h' a.
My problem , I can always enter a character . or specify the number of " h " I've deposited under " mask".
If I do I define this as a mask in a Win32 GUI ( TcxMaskEdit ) :
(\d | [A-F] | [a-f])+
With this mask I can enter an arbitrarily long hex value .
My question : How can I do that with "IWCGJQEdit" to realize?
The documentary ( http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin ) I have already read , but do not get ahead .