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PostPosted: 27 Mar 2015 09:05
by etwoss

I have a form with a TIWCJQRegion align None.
This region has an other region aligned top and a Pivot aligned Client

On resize of the form i want the Pivot to size with the form width:
Code: Select all
procedure TIWFormDashboardPivot.IWAppFormResize(Sender: TObject);
  rgnMain.Width := (Self.Width - rgnMain.Left - 40);

I have given the outher region a border to see whats happening.

When i resize what happening?

During resize the with of the pivot is the same as the region. When i stop resizing , the widt of the pivot gets smaller!

Also when re-sizing smaller it does strange things, now the other way around, the pivots does not fit in any more when stop resizing.
When re-sizing smaller bit by bit it does as described. If you re-size smaller big part the components are not scaled at all!
Whats going on?

First image showing whats happening when re-sizing smaller, you don't see the word "Totals"
Second image shows whats happening when re-sizing width-er


Re: Resizing

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2015 09:42
by etwoss

Working now using a form with alignment of the main region which works a lot better then with None and resizing the region onResize
