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AjaxReRender changes Visible property

PostPosted: 15 May 2020 15:24
by MicroSolutions

I have experienced a misleading property change caused by AjaxReRender. It sets the component's .Visible = true even if it was false and the component is not shown.

See my example code:

1. Press "Hide + ReRender" (self.IWCGJQRegion1.Visible:=false;
It hides the region but sets IWCGJQRegion1.visible = true;

2. Press "Show" (self.IWCGJQRegion1.Visible:=true;)
If you press "Show" button, it does not do anything because IWCGJQRegion1.Visible is already true. You need to press "Hide" first and then the "Show" works.

1. Is it intentional to set visible property to true even if the region is rendered hidden?
2. Is there any other property that AjaxReRender changes in the background?
3. Can you explain what IWCGJQRegion1.StyleRenderOptions.RenderVisibility does? I do not experience any effect.
