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Guide for Compiling the Source

by Joelzim » 21 Jul 2020 03:45

I was waiting for your new release that would support is 15.2, but I need to upgrade IW before you are able to get the compatible compile.

I have source, but do you have a guide to compile the code from the source control?

Posts: 31
Joined: 29 Jul 2017 06:17

by joelz » 24 Jul 2020 22:43

From your post on the other thread I was able to recompile from the source. However, we need to have better instructions on how to handle the licenseKey issues that arise. When I try to open and compile one of my programs I get the following error.

[dcc32 Fatal Error] IWCGLicenseKey.pas(7): F2051 Unit IWCGJQCommon was compiled with a different version of IWCallBackFunc.TIWCallBacks

I see where you were able to get a compile for 15.2 and 10.4 so I will use that for now, but when you have a chance, please address the issue with how to compile with the source and the licensekey.
Posts: 75
Joined: 14 Mar 2013 13:54

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