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IW 15.2.32 and CG TabOrder problem

PostPosted: 06 Aug 2021 17:50
by ozelaya

I have updated to IW 15.2.32 and CG 282, but now I'm having issues with the taborder with CGJQDialog Frames. I set 0 to the first edit input and so on...but when app runs the order is not the same. I had to revert back to IW .31 and CG 279 to make it work ok. Looks like the bug is that version 282 assign to taborder a value <> 0 to the TIWCGJQDialog component. If I remove with a text editor the taborder property of the
TIWCGJQDialog component and rebuild the app the taborder works ok.

This is part of the dfm file for version 279 that tab order works ok.
object iwfrmLicencia: TiwfrmLicencia
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 697
Height = 420
TabOrder = 0
object IWFrameRegion: TIWCGJQDialog
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 697
Height = 420
Version = '1.0'
object edUsuario: TIWCGJQEdit /// first edit
Left = 96
Top = 16
Width = 120
Height = 21
Version = '1.0'
ZIndex = 1500
MaxLength = 4
ScriptEvents = <>
Text = ''
FormatOptions.Enable = True
FormatOptions.Precision = 0
FormatOptions.AllowNegative = False
object edNombre: TIWCGJQEdit
Left = 96
Top = 43
Width = 297
Height = 21
TabOrder = 1
Version = '1.0'
ZIndex = 1500
ScriptEvents = <>
Text = ''
CharCase = cgccUpperCase

Now this is the dfm for version 282 and taborder doesnt work ok.
object frmdlgUsuario: TfrmdlgUsuario
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 449
Height = 257
TabOrder = 0
object IWFrameRegion: TIWCGJQDialog
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 449
Height = 257
TabOrder = 4
Version = '1.0'
object edUsuario: TIWCGJQEdit /// first edit
Left = 96
Top = 16
Width = 120
Height = 21
Version = '1.0'
ZIndex = 1500
MaxLength = 4
ScriptEvents = <>
Text = ''
FormatOptions.Enable = True
FormatOptions.Precision = 0
FormatOptions.AllowNegative = False
object edNombre: TIWCGJQEdit
Left = 96
Top = 43
Width = 297
Height = 21
TabOrder = 1
Version = '1.0'
ZIndex = 1500
ScriptEvents = <>
Text = ''
CharCase = cgccUpperCase

Thanks in Advance,

Omar Zelaya

Re: IW 15.2.32 and CG TabOrder problem

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2021 15:45
by ozelaya

Actually version 279 also has the same taborder bug. The part of the dfm that works Ok was created by a CG previous version, dont know the version number.

Thank in advance,

Omar Zelaya