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Versions release

by Jorge Sousa » 23 Jul 2012 18:46

Released V1.1.0.893

- Designtime Menu for synchronizing wwwroot
- Work around to a bug IW 10 and 11 with ISAPI and PreScriptFiles
- Support for Delphi 7 - preparation for non Unicode Versions 2005, 2006 and 2007
- Fix for IE and other browser older versions that not support JSON object
- Possiblity to work with non minized generated javascript and files, using ServerControl.JavascriptDebug (Global var CGScriptDebug for IW10).
- Bug fix in IWCGLicenseKey.pas and .h file in some situations.
- Fixed javascript errors when joining Desktop with Mobile controls

- Fancy Captcha included in Demo
- Sortable and Selectable Icons
- Removed unecessary files from wwwroot image
- Tabs was not hidding if Visible was set to false
- Default css to JQEdit, JQComboBox, JQAutoComplete and JQCheckBox is now jQuery theme based.
- Overcome Delphi's ISAPI 48K limitation needed in JQUpload. Although doesnt work with IE.
- Datepicker was raising conversion errors on submit if the date was not specified or badly formatted
- Grid DataSet Provider wasn't setting blank field values
- Session lookup timeout in url maps was increased to 60 seconds.
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CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
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Jorge Sousa
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by Jorge Sousa » 31 Jul 2012 00:08

Released V1.1.0.905

- Ajax Event mapping Now uses map Request/Response, instead of Session.Request/Response.
- Uploadind pdf files was raising a convert error because of UTF8ContentParser.
- Null Fields were incorrectly sent by GridDataSetProvider and exported to XLS.
- Sometimes the controls went Blank and unselectable in designtime after Debugging, same GServerCotroller was assigned.
- TIWCGPicture: In imgcache now creates subfolders instead of add owner names to filename auto files with long names
- Removed some out parameters in Delphi Code, because weren't working in CBuilder, this was causing problems in CBuilder Grid.OnGetImages.
- Added JQGridOptions.OnSubGridRowExpanded to Implement on Expand Grid - Grid on Grid for instance
- Bug in DataSet Graphics blobs, if DataSetProvider was using DataSource and not DataSet directly
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CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
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Jorge Sousa
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by Jorge Sousa » 31 Jul 2012 00:40

Breaking Changes in

We had to introduce an important changes in some events,

In the previous server url mapping model, we were using Session.Request/Response. But since Session.Request/Response can be reassigned in the process, for instance another request thread, asking for an image that is invalid, we use now map handler own instances os request and response.

- Because of that, we had to change the following events:


We add parameter var AJSon: ISuperObject to return the autocomplete list.

TIWCGJQAutoCompleteGetDataEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const ATerm: string; var AJSon: ISuperObject) of object;

and in

TIWCGJQGridAutoCompleteGetDataEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ACol: TIWCGJQGridCol; const ATerm: string;
var AJSon: ISuperObject
) of object;

- All the provider events, like OnBeforeGet, OnGet, etc...

we added the parameters

ARequest: TCGWebRequest; AResponse: TCGWebResponse

- Because of using out parameters in Delphi was causing mal functions in CBuilder, we replaced the paramater out to var.


property OnGetColSummaries;
property OnGetColSummary;

TIWCGJQProviderGetColSummaries = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ANames: TIWCGJQStrArray;
var AValues: TIWCGJQVarArray) of object;
TIWCGJQProviderGetColSummary = procedure(Sender: TObject; const AColName: string;
AColSummaryType: TIWCGJQGridColSummaryType; var AValue: Variant) of object;



TIWCGJQGridColGetImageEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ACol: TIWCGJQGridCol; const ARowId,ACellValue: string;
var APicture: TPicture; var AImgUrl,ATitle,AAltTitle: string) of object;

If you have any one of these events in a IWForm/IWFrame, please open it, force save, changing some control (sometimes this is necessary in IWForms), and the IDE will report an error complaining about the wrong parameters.

You delete the old reference, set the event with the right parameters, and its done.

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CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
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Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 07 Aug 2012 23:08

Released V1.1.0.929

* New Component: TIWCGJQMapQuery – Map Support for OpenLayers

* Improvements:
- New javascript/jQuery generation method (plugin’s Client API setter method(s)), for each options properties change in ajax events.

- Also In ajax events, automatic uploading of the properties that can be changed by user, like autocomplete text, tabindex for tabs, grid col widths/position/hidden, selrow (JQGridOptions.SelRow), etc.

- Published property Enabled for most Controls

- In FancyBox – Support for multi controls (frames) and method Show(AIndex: Integer = -1), to display for a given item’s index.

- In GridDataSetProvider, when no column has the Key=True propery, GridDataSetProvider will use Dataset.RecNo. The method was improved.

jqGrid – more functionalities:

- For formatter gcfShowLink, if BaseLinkUrl is empty, calls OnGetLink if assigned to get a link for each cell.

- New and alternative method for loading Images on Load Complete that works Asynchronously in Browser. For column’s Formatter
property gcfImage.

- New formatter – gcfLinkClick, with event Onclick

- New Column property – Position, to store the display order index on the Grid, if the user can change it, ie, Options.Sortable = True

- Column properties: Position Width and Hidden, are now saved on submit and ajax events. Note: If Options.shrinkToFit = True (default), the Width is changed internally in the plugin’s code.

- Added JQColumnChooserOptions object property, and methods to Invoke Chooser: Grid1.JQGridOptions.ColumnChooser or Grid1.JQGridColumnChooser.Trigger.[]=columnchooser

* Bug Fixes:

- Problem in destroy of TIWCGJQComp descendants: TIWCGJQExtension, TIWCGJQFancyBox and TIWCGJQSlimBox
- Disabling Tabs were not Disabling the Tabs header
- AutoSize wasnt working properly in JQLabel.
- Design-time improvements, errors in design-time rendering were turning controls unselectable in some rare situations at least since previous release.
- Grid Provider was sending application/json content-type response but that was causing showing text "200 OK" in Edit / Add / Delete Dialogs, after a successful operation.
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
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Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 10 Aug 2012 00:26

Released V1.1.0.930

- IWCGLicenseKey.pas / .h, was malformed in rare situations.
- Wrong javascript generation for TIWCGJQGrid.JQGridOptions property change in ajax event response (missing '.jqGrid')
- property HTMLEditor.JQHTMLEditorOptions.Content wasn't generating the necessary javascript in ajax event response. For now, Content it's updated only on submit, and if the user press save.
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CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
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Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 17 Aug 2012 20:02

Released V1.1.0.945

- Grid event OnSubGridRowExpanded and method RenderExpandRegionAsync to implement Grid as SubGrid and other functionalities on Grid Expand.
- Support for IW version 12.2.8
- Support for Delphi 2009.
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CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
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Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 21 Aug 2012 23:27

Released V1.1.0.956

* New Features:

- TIWCGJQButton is now Action driven, changing action properties changes button, including imageindex
- Designtime DBFieldNameProperty when jqGrid as DataSetProvider
- standalone var IWCGJQControlCss: string; to set default web app class, default 'ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'

* Bug Fixes:

- License Server ( problem registering problem for some keys
- CgDevToolsLic was complaining about CGSPLASH resource
- RenderAsyncRegion wasnt working in released versions, because of one Assert
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CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
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Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 24 Aug 2012 23:35

Released build version V1.1.0.956

* New Component Preview: TIWCGJQPlanner

For now it’s only read-only, we would like very much to hear your suggestions to implement.

(To test it, please don’t forget to sync wwwroot folder in CGDevTools in Delphi/C++ IDE)

* New Features:

- TIWCGJQAjaxCookie class to generate client jQuery cookie script

- TIWCGJQGrid as its own Provider, there’s no need to assign a Provider component from now on, only as an option and for compatbility reasons.

- New TIWCGJQGrid property: JQGridPersist, to save user changed data, like columns position, width, visiblility and JQGridOptions.RowNum (if property JQGridOptions.RowList is set). For now the only persistency support available is cookies. To use this new feature please sync wwwroot folder in existing projects.

- if TIWCGJQUpload.JQUploadOptions.UploadPath contains ‘:’ or ‘\\’ a direct path is used instead of a relative folder in wwwroot folder.

- in TIWCGJQGridColFormatOptionsLinkClick Formatter, new property: SelectRow: Boolean, If True, selects the row on link click (default False)

- New TIWCGJQGridOptions Client API methods: ExpandSubGridRow, CollapseSubGridRow and ToggleSubGridRow

- New TIWCGJQGridOptions events OnSubGridRowCollapsed, OnSubGridBeforeExpand

* Bug Fixes:

- TIWCGUploadParser.GetFiles abstract method wasn’t beeing overrided
- Support for Opera in IW12 Demo
- Export Grid by url wasnt working in IW12
- JQGridOptions.SelRow wasnt upload to server if CellEdit = True (If set doesn’t call OnSelectRow).
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
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Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 09 Sep 2012 20:27

Released version build V1.2.0.1023

* New Components:

- JQNotification (implements plugins and

- JQComboBoxEx (

* New Features:

- JQGrid: Added new client API methods : ShowAddDialog, ShowEditDialog, ShowDeleteDialog and ShowSearchDialog to class TIWCGJQGridNav (IWCGJQGrid1.JQGridNav property)

- JQGrid: in design-time, for and providername properties, if provider is type dataset, sets Editable, Hidden abd Caption properties, checking dataset FieldDefs or Fields (if dataset is open).

- JQMenu: OnClick is now TIWCGFunc, action driven (imagelist support) and works with Menus TMenuItems.

- JQTreeView: added new client API methods: Refresh, Lock, Unlock, ExpandNode, CollapseNode, CreateNode, Rename, Delete and Move to class TIWCGJQTreeViewCore (property IWCGJQTreeView1.

- Support for Intraweb 12.2.9

* Bug Fixes:

- JQGrid: Invalid Type Cast Error, in Grid AutoComplete and DatePicker

- JQGrid: Replaced argument 'id' by 'rowid' in JQGridOptions.OnSubGridBeforeExpand event

- JQGrid: Missing javascript Result:= 'return true;' if JQGridOptions.OnBeforeSelectRow was activated (by Script or OnEvent properties).

- JQDatePicker, missing a ';' in addcss script.
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CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
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Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 25 Sep 2012 01:22

Released version build V1.3.0.1078

* New Component

TIWCGJQLayout, based in

* New Features

- jQuery updated to 1.8.2 and jQuery UI to 1.8.23 for all IW versions. Please make sure to sync wwwroot for existent projects and hit Ctrl+F5 to refresh browser cache.

- new method AjaxReRender for all jqControls.
Sometimes it's just not possible to change the browser control associated to an IWControl, because the javascript required doesnt exists or doesn't works. Even using jQuery plugins, there are many options that we cannot change with script in browser, because the plugin doesnt support it and in some plugins, simply because don't have any client api method to perform it.
So from now, will be possible to re render a single Control in ajax (async) requests and replace the html/script in the current page, only for that Control, avoiding a Full Submit.
For non IWCGJQ(M) controls, like IW native or TMS's, the method RenderRegionAsync(IWAnyControl,False); in unit IWCGAsyncRender could be used instead.

- New property on every CGEvent: SendAllArguments: Boolean default False, to automatically send all browser script function arguments to onevent AParams: TStringList parameter.

- ImageList and Action Support for Menu and Items

- SetFocus for all jq controls

- New property LinearGradient: TIWCGJQLinearGradient in TIWCGJQRegion

- property UserData: Pointer added to TCGIndexedCollectionItem, base of many classes like TreeView and Menu Items, Grid Columns, Dialog Buttons, etc etc...

- New property FormatOptions to limit the keyboard to decimals,integer,email,phonenumber (needs wwwroot resync)

- jqGrid:

- Updated javascript of jqGrid 4.4.1
- Added ARestoreRows parameter to JQGridOptions.RestoreRow, to be able to cancel an edit when column formatter is gcfActions
- Col.FormatOptionsActions - TIWCGJQGridColFormatOptionsActions, added property EditOptions and DelOptions. Changed property OnUrl to Url
- Added Col.FormatOptionsImage.OnClick.
- Added JQGridOptions.SelectTopRowOnLoad, to autoselect the top row on every grid refresh.
- if JQGridOptions.TopPager=True and JQGridNav.CloneToTop=True, also clones the custom buttons
- Added jqDialog.ActiveControl property and JQDialogDialog.Buttons[i].Focused property

* Bug Fixes:

- Bug in GridProvider Edit/Delete when RowIds had spaces (StrictDelimiter wasnt True)
- wrong TIWCGJQTreeViewItem OnClick event id
- jqDatePicker.DateFormat fixes. This must be a Delphi format, that is translated to jquery date format.
- Tooltip av, when Visible = False
- DatePicker date was not set after fullsubmit
- Unwanted Scrolls in tabs and accordion tabs if filled with aligned regions
- DatePicker: When Regional property was set, other user properties was being ignored.
- jqMenu OnClick script incorrectly set.
- ThemeSwitcher wasnt rendering the LoadTheme css tag
- if JQDialogOptions.Close and Open is called, sets Visible property
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
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Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58


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