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Cannot set button text and ENTER after input

PostPosted: 01 Dec 2019 16:28
by TheoLang

by default the buttons are "ok" and "cancel". When i set the cancel button text to "Abbruch" i see "Abbruch" and "undefined".

Setting the button text for "ok" doesn't work text stays on undefined.

This is my code:

askOTPToken.ResetJSonProps; {Reset all properties and events to default.}
askOTPToken.JQShowMessageOptions.Labels.Cancel := 'Abbruch';
askOTPToken.JQShowMessageOptions.Labels.OK := 'OK';
askOTPToken.JQShowMessageOptions.OnConfirm.SendAllArguments:= True;
askOTPToken.JQShowMessageOptions.OnCancel.SendAllArguments:= True;
askOTPToken.JQShowMessageOptions.OnConfirm.OnEvent:= askOTPTokenJQShowMessageOptionsConfirm;
askOTPToken.JQShowMessageOptions.OnCancel.OnEvent:= nil;
askOTPToken.ShowPromptMessage( '<font size="3">Diese Anmeldung ...

Another problem, Enter key closes the Dialog but does not fire the confirm event. I cannot force my users to click on ok.
