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Rendering the spreadsheet

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2017 21:06
by XenoG
Hi, I'm having problems getting the TIWCGJQSpreadSheet component to render unless it is currently shown.

I call IWCGJQSpreadSheet->ResetJSonProps(); IWCGJQSpreadSheet->Import(filename); IWCGJQSpreadSheet->AjaxReRender();

If the spreadsheet component is shown in the browser, the spreadsheet changes correctly. If another form is in focus, then the default spreadsheet (cols A-J, rows 1-25) is shown when I later navigate to the spreadsheet. If I'm on the same form, but the spreadsheet is on a tab that is not in focus, then I get a blank spreadsheet with no cells.

Is there something I need to do to ensure that the spreadsheet is updated even if it is not currently shown?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Rendering the spreadsheet

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2017 09:24
by Alexander Bulei
Hi XenoG,'s a internal behavior of jquery plugin..., just make sure, you import the data when component/control is case of tabs, do the import OnShow event.

Best Regards.