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add e new readonly style only for some components

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2016 09:55
by scoluccia
there are some components that not support readonly property like radiogroup, checkbox, combobox, so my idea is to set disable= true but set a new stile like enabled, so the component does not respond to the user input but it remains still visible
I've added in css theme after the line
.ui-state-disabled, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-disabled, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-disabled { opacity: .35; filter:Alpha(Opacity=35); background-image: none; }

this new style
.ui-state-disabledro, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-disabled, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-disabledro { opacity: 1; filter:Alpha(Opacity=100); background-image: none; }

then I write in css property of the radiogroupex component 'ui-state-disabledro' and work fine but this makes other problems:
- when I disabled the component the style ui-state-disabled become like ui-state-disabledro so the label are black and not grey
- ui-state-disabledro make several componenst enabled, also if they are disabled, like menu items.

The question is how can I create a new style that allow this behaviour?
Thanks in advance

Re: add e new readonly style only for some components

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2016 10:07
by Alexander Bulei
Hi scoluccia,

Try to use the

Code: Select all

in css rule, to force to override the previous settings:

opacity: 1 !important;

Best Regards.