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Clarification on RenderRegionAsync Parameters

Questions & Answers about IWCGJQuery Suite.

by mrcarver » 07 Feb 2018 23:14

CG Gurus,

Can I please get some clarification on the parameters within RenderRegionAsync their purpose and when to use the different options?
ARegion (This is obvious)
AClearRegionParent (What does "Clear" mean. When should this be T vs F )
ABrowserResize (What can be expected when using this flag, When should this be T vs F )
AKeepPosition ( What does "KeepPosition" mean. When should this be T vs F )
ACGRenderAsyncMethod (What is the difference between these options and which should be the default
AAppendToHTMLID (What AAppendToHTMLID do? I have found an example of how to set this. I assumed its purpose was to properly locate a Invisible object relative to a visible one.

I have been unable to find a clear distinction when to use a given option. Perhaps even brief scenarios when each options use is applicable

Your clarification on this matter is appreciated. Thank You,

Monte Carver
Posts: 70
Joined: 05 Jun 2012 10:51

by Alexander Bulei » 08 Feb 2018 13:06

Hi mrcarver,

I've create the topic in documentation section:


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by mrcarver » 08 Feb 2018 17:03


Thank you for the link.

Of the three TRenderRegionAsyncMethod options, which one should be our typical go to solution. When I say typical I am thinking about events that refill DropDownBox, etc

From what I can glean, the answer is "rramLazyLoadMethod", because we very seldom invoke JS in our events. And the only time we must use "rramOldMethod" is when a JS is involved.

Please clarify / elaborate which option to use.

And again thank you for your great support.

Monte Carver
Posts: 70
Joined: 05 Jun 2012 10:51

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