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Questions & Answers about IWCGJQuery Suite.

by XenoG » 22 Feb 2018 21:46

Hi, I'm trying to capture an IWCGJQGrid as a PNG using IWCGJQHTML2Canvas->ConvertAndSaveAsPNG(gridName, fileName); This works fine if the grid is entirely visible in the browser. However, if the grid is scrollable due to it being too tall for the visible browser windows, the IWCGJQHTML2Canvas only saves the portion of the grid that is currently visible onscreen. I've tried supplying region instead of the grid, but I get the same cropping.

Is there any workaround for this? It would be great to get the whole grid saved as PNG.


Posts: 36
Joined: 15 Nov 2016 15:04

by Alexander Bulei » 23 Feb 2018 12:01

Hi XenoG,

Is there any workaround for this?

Unfortunately, no.

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by XenoG » 23 Feb 2018 13:03

Hi Alexander,

Could I request that in a future release you upgrade htm2canvas from version 0.4.1 to the latest (1.0.0). I think they might have fixed the offscreen problem in later versions.


Posts: 36
Joined: 15 Nov 2016 15:04

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