I have build a program with C++ Builder Tokyo 10.2.3, Intraweb 14.2.7 and CGDevtools components
CGDevtools components are displayed correctly when the application is opened with any browser on Windows, Mac OS and Android.
But they are displayed poorly for all the browsers under IPhones. The iOS I have on my IPhone now is 12.4. The components which are more impacted are TIWCGJQMenu and TIWCGJQVertMenu.
I have attached pictures to show the difference of display for IPhone and Android and also the error message when I stepped into Javascript code.
Apparently they are bugs in CGDevtools Javascript codes. I was able to correct the 2 other bugs in the js files. But I could not correct the one related to "non Css MIME types are not allowed in strict mode" because I could not find which the js file which is loading the Css file.
I don't know if somebody already found and corrected the same bug ? Or if CentralGest watch this forum to tell me how to correct it?