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TIWCGJQNavigator ConfirmDeleteMessage

PostPosted: 03 May 2020 14:51
by sgaravatti
in TIWCGJQNavigato I find the property "ConfirmDeleteMessage" and I would use it to localizate the message in Italian language ("Vuoi eliminare la registrazione". I did, but I don't know how to localizate the caption of the next box ("Yes/No"). I would like to show "Si/no" in Italian language.
Is there a solution ?
I thank You in advance.
Best regards.

Re: TIWCGJQNavigator ConfirmDeleteMessage

PostPosted: 13 May 2020 10:05
by Alexander Bulei
You can change it globally:

delphi code
IWCGMsgButtonCaptions: array[TMsgDlgBtn] of string =
('Yes','No','OK','Cancel','Abort','Retry','Ignore','All','No to All','Yes to All','Help'
{$IFDEF VER2008UP},'Close'{$ENDIF});