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[HowTo] Set the cell style/css

PostPosted: 20 Feb 2015 18:07
by Alexander Bulei
  • Set the cell style/css (all rows)

    Use the Col.OnCellAttr property :

    • For style
      delphi code
      FGrid.JQGridOptions.ColModel[0].OnCellAttr.Script:= 'function (rowId,val,rawObject,cm,rdata){ return " style=\" color:red \" "; }';

    • For css class
      delphi code
      FGrid.JQGridOptions.ColModel[0].OnCellAttr.Script:= 'function (rowId,val,rawObject,cm,rdata){ return " class=\"my-cell-class \" "; }';

    • Set the cell style/css based on cell value

      delphi code
      JScript:= TIWCGJScript.Create;
      with JScript do
      Add('function (rowId,val,rawObject,cm,rdata){');
      Add(' if ((rdata.sosec == "2") || (rdata.sosec == "6")) {');
      Add(' return " style=\" color:red \" ";');
      Add(' } else {');
      Add(' return " style=\" color:green \" ";');
      Add(' }');
      IWGridCensus.JQGridOptions.ColModel[2].OnCellAttr.Script:= JScript.Text;

      In the example above, we will check the value of the column "sosec", and based on the value change the text color.

      Parameters passed to function:

      • rowId - the id of the row
      • val - the value which will be added in the cell
      • rawObject - the raw object of the data row - i.e if datatype is json - array, if datatype is xml xml node.
      • cm - all the properties of this column listed in the colModel
      • rdata - the data row which will be inserted in the row. This parameter is array of type name:value, where name is the name in colModel

Best Regards.