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Create column after filter

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2018 16:11
by feland
is it possible into a JQGRID show a column after selected a certain type of filter and hide it when the filter was removed?

In the example I selected a filter into the column "EsitoPA". When the filter is equal to "MANCATA CONSEGNA" I need to show the column "Reinvia".
If i Inserted the instruction "JQGrid.JQGridColumns.ItemsByName['Reinvia'].Hidden := false" in the event "OnSearchSQL" of the DatasetProvider (where I check the filtered value) and I Call the function RenderRegionAsync(JQGrid,false,true) for refresh the grid I see the following error:
Method "RenderRegionAsync" it''s only allowed in Ajax Processing!

On attachment I send you the state of the JQGrid before the filter and after the filter.

Can you help me?

Best Regards,