In a base form for my mobile web app pages, I want to write functionality to automatically intercept the OnVClick event handlers the (inherited) form has. This is so that I can perform some general processing (e.g. debug logging) before calling the original event handler. Also, I can set the RemoveMobileDelay property to True for all these without having to remember it in each case. The objects in my web app which currently has these handlers are buttons (TIWCGJQMButton or those in header/footer), listview items and navbar items. I may want to do something similar for other types of events, e.g. OnChange of selectboxes. After creation, I will typically loop through the components in the form, look for a few known component types and check if they have a handler assigned. I have the following questions:
1. What is the type of OnVClick.OnEvent (like TNotifyEvent for many standard Delphi events) and which unit is it declared in? (I cannot find this through code insight or your documentation)
2. The object passed as Sender in the above cases, does it have some useful common base class? I need to find the originating object somehow through Sender, in a list of items where I among other things have stored the original event handler.
Magnus Oskarsson