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BlackBerry issues

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2015 11:31
by magosk
Hi! We have several customers in the UK who have reported problems using our mobile web pages with BlackBerry phones, they cannot click buttons when they use the "BlackBerry navigation key". Some devices (e.g. the Curve 9300 (BB6)) have only navigation key (and thus do not work at all), some (e.g. 9720 (BB7) and Classic (BB10)) have both navigation key and touch screen, and there the touch interface works but not the key (but many BlackBerry users apparently prefer to use the key rather than touch). I had previously added special code in our base form for getting buttons to work for Windows Phone, and I solved this by setting
Code: Select all
OnVClick.RemoveMobileDelay := False;
. Now I did the same for BlackBerry phones, and this got the navigation key to work in the 9300 and the 9720 (which still also works with touch). For the newest device, Classic (BB 10.3), I however only got a very small improvement: it was possible to get the button click to work if I clicked the small button icon, but not e.g. if I clicked on the button text. Do you have any other ideas of what I might do to get full support for the navigation key?

Also, another question: our oldest test device (Curve 8520, BB 5) does not load the jQuery mobile stuff at all, although it is supposed to have e.g. HTML 5 support, see

Any ideas on this (although the newer devices have higher priority)?

Note that the newer devices are recognized as Android by IntraWeb, but the oldest not at all (I have tried a few different custom browsers).

Best regards

Magnus Oskarsson