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CGDevTools Demo with error

PostPosted: 21 Dec 2016 10:10
by scoluccia
I'm trying the mobile suite and I rebuilded all the demo projects, but I've found some problem:
- in all demo in the unit ServerController the procedure IWServerControllerBaseNewSession(aSession: TIWApplication); has wrong parameters but it easy to resolve
- JQMListViewDemo when I click on "Add new item" I get the error CGRelease_IWCL is not defined
- JQMWizardDemo when I click start button I get the following error "Error in processAjaxExecute when evaluating: $("#FRAMEIWFRAMEREGION").off(); CGRelease_IWCL("FRAMEIWFRAMEREGIONIWCL"); CGRelease_IWCL("IWCGJQMHEADERFRAMEIWCL"); CGRelease_IWCL("IWCGJQMFOOTERFRAMEIWCL"); and the first page is not displayed

I'm using delphi berlin 1.2 CGDEVTOOLS 3.0.104
I'm very interested on demo JQMWizardDemo because I'd like to understand how TIWCGJQMAjaxPageFrame works

Re: CGDevTools Demo with error

PostPosted: 21 Dec 2016 19:28
by Alexander Bulei
Hi scoluccia,

- in all demo in the unit ServerController the procedure IWServerControllerBaseNewSession(aSession: TIWApplication); has wrong parameters but it easy to resolve

yeah, because they was made some time ago... :roll:

- JQMListViewDemo when I click on "Add new item" I get the error CGRelease_IWCL is not defined
- JQMWizardDemo when I click start button I get the following error "Error in processAjaxExecute when evaluating: $("#FRAMEIWFRAMEREGION").off(); CGRelease_IWCL("FRAMEIWFRAMEREGIONIWCL"); CGRelease_IWCL("IWCGJQMHEADERFRAMEIWCL"); CGRelease_IWCL("IWCGJQMFOOTERFRAMEIWCL");

Please sync your wwwroot and/or refresh your browser cache (CTRL + F5)

Best Regards.