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Access Violation after tab deletion

by sgaravatti » 01 Sep 2017 10:17

I experienced strange access violation after IWCGJQTab with IWCGJQFrame deletion and rebuild,
after long inspection, i came to the conclusion that IWCGJQComboBoxEx is responsible for that.
I attach a is a vment with the steps to reproduce the problem in my application:
I create a frame with IWCGJQComboBoxEx inside.
Put the linked dataset in edit state
Destroy the frame
Create the frame
Post the dataset->Access Violation.

if you wish, we can schedule a remote session to further analysis.


Niccolò Sgaravatti
IW 14.0.41
C++ Builder XE3
Posts: 25
Joined: 22 Aug 2014 09:20

by Jorge Sousa » 01 Sep 2017 12:05

Can you put that in a test case? tia

or, put the Frame destruction with any other component, because it seems to me that the problem is not the comboex but the fact you are destroying a frame in certain circunstances.
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