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RenderRegionAsync Parameters

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2018 12:59
by Alexander Bulei
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procedure RenderRegionAsync(ARegion: TIWHTMLContainer; AClearRegionParent: Boolean = False;
  ABrowserResize: Boolean = False; AKeepPosition: Boolean = False;
  ACGRenderAsyncMethod: TRenderRegionAsyncMethod = rramDefaultMethod; const AAppendToHTMLID: string = ''); overload;

  • ARegion - component to re-render
  • AClearRegionParent - When True, the method will clear the parent container (all children), and append the code of re-render component. When False (default), the method will re-render/replace the code of component (ARegion). Usually not used.
  • ABrowserResize - When True, will call the browser resize script, useful to re-align the components in container.
  • AKeepPosition - usually, not used in desktop suite. When True, will preserve the position in html structure.
  • ACGRenderAsyncMethod - the method of rendering:
    - rramDefaultMethod - Backward compatibility
    - rramOldMethod - render the script/css/html in sequence, used in most of cases.
    - rramLazyLoadMethod - render the html and javascript code, only after the get of javascript and css files. Method process faster, but can provoke unexpected results/errors.

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procedure RenderRegionAsync(ARegion: TIWHTMLContainer; ACGRenderAsyncMethod: TRenderRegionAsyncMethod;
  ABrowserResize: Boolean = False; const AAfterLazyLoadJS: string = ''; const AAppendToHTMLID: string = ''); overload;

  • ARegion - component to re-render
  • ACGRenderAsyncMethod - the method of rendering:
    - rramDefaultMethod - Backward compatibility
    - rramOldMethod - render the script/css/html in sequence, used in most of cases.
    - rramLazyLoadMethod - render the html and javascript code, only after the get of javascript and css files. Method process faster, but can provoke unexpected results/errors.
  • ABrowserResize - When True, will call the browser resize script, useful to re-align the components in container.
  • AAfterLazyLoadJS - the javascript code to execute, after the get all necessary files.
  • AAppendToHTMLID - the html element id, where will be appended the generated html code. Usually, not used.