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PostPosted: 10 Aug 2015 16:27
by scoluccia
I want to use the component to display data only. I want to stop the user from changing the state. Enabled=False does this but makes the component appear greyed out. I would like to have the box ReadOnly but with the "Enabled=True"-appearance. Possible?

Re: Readonly

PostPosted: 10 Aug 2015 17:37
by Alexander Bulei
Hi scoluccia,

The Html radio doesn't support readonly attribute, so only one way to do that by using property Enabled and override the disabled style of control.

Best Regards.

Re: Readonly

PostPosted: 05 Jan 2016 10:50
by scoluccia
Hi, I'm fighting with this problem again,
I've added in css theme after
.ui-state-disabled, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-disabled, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-disabled { opacity: .35; filter:Alpha(Opacity=35); background-image: none; }

this new style
.ui-state-disabledro, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-disabled, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-disabledro { opacity: 1; filter:Alpha(Opacity=100); background-image: none; }

then I write in css property of the radiogroupex component 'ui-state-disabledro' and work fine but when I disabled the component the style ui-state-disabled become like ui-state-disabledro (with opacity: 1; filter:Alpha(Opacity=100) so the label are black and not grey


Re: Readonly

PostPosted: 05 Jan 2016 12:27
by scoluccia
is not the right solution because the ui-state-disabledro make several componenst enabled, also if they are disabled, like menu items, I should find a different solution, perhaps I can ignore the click on the radiobuttonex when is in readonly.
Do you have a more intelligent solution?