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Problem and Missing Button Property!

PostPosted: 29 Mar 2014 22:02
by Aggie85

I started playing with the JQSocialButtons component and I have run into a few problems.

First, here are the properties I have set in my test app:

object IWCGJQSocialButtons1: TIWCGJQSocialButtons
Left = 24
Top = 424
Width = 353
Height = 113
TabOrder = 7
Version = '1.0'
JQSocialButtonsOptions.Title = 'New Orleans Steamboat'
JQSocialButtonsOptions.Text = 'I just made a reservation on the Steamboat Natchez!'
JQSocialButtonsOptions.Count = 'false'
JQSocialButtonsOptions.EnableHover = False
JQSocialButtonsOptions.EnableCounter = False
JQSocialButtonsOptions.EnableTracking = True
JQSocialButtonsOptions.ShareButtons = <
Button = jqsbosbFacebook
ButtonOptions.Action = jqsbfoaRecommend
ButtonOptions.Layout = jqsbfolBoxCount
ButtonOptions.Send = True
Button = jqsbosbTwitter
ButtonOptions.Count = jqsbtocVertical
Button = jqsbosbLinkedIn
ButtonOptions.Counter = jqsblocVertical
Button = jqsbosbGooglePlus
ButtonOptions.Size = jqsbgpsTall
ButtonOptions.Annotation = 'bubble'


Setting the default Facebook action to Recommend causes it to overlap the GooglePlus button; that is, it is too wide. Setting the action to Like fixes it (but I would prefer Recommend).

Missing Property:

According to the DOCUMENTATION on, the LinkedIn button should have a counter property which specified where the counter is shown. By default, the conter is shown on the bottom (and I would like it on the top to be consistent with the other buttons).



Re: Problem and Missing Button Property!

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2014 10:51
by Alexander Bulei
Hi Aggie85,


Setting the default Facebook action to Recommend causes it to overlap the GooglePlus button; that is, it is too wide. Setting the action to Like fixes it (but I would prefer Recommend).

You are right =/

Missing Property:

According to the DOCUMENTATION on, the LinkedIn button should have a counter property which specified where the counter is shown. By default, the conter is shown on the bottom (and I would like it on the top to be consistent with the other buttons).

Yes, it's ButtonOptions.Counter property, but the enum is exchanged.

All this issues are will fixed in next commit.


Best Regards.

Re: Problem and Missing Button Property!

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2014 13:59
by Alexander Bulei
Hi Aggie85,

- Fixed: property Counter in TIWCGJQShareButtonLinkedInOptions
- Fixed: removed fixed size of buttons
- Updated: jquery plugin to 1.3.5

Best Regards.

Re: Problem and Missing Button Property!

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2014 14:06
by Aggie85
Thanks. I am hoping this version will be released today :D !

I am doing a demo and would like to have it looking correct.

Again thanks for the great product and support.

Best regards

Re: Problem and Missing Button Property!

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2014 14:22
by Jorge Sousa

It's always built by the night, so it will be available only tomorrow morning, in our time: UTC/GMT +1 hour