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PostPosted: 20 Sep 2012 13:12
by seanwebb
For the cg components to work on a form a theme switcher needs to be on that form.
It can be hidden , but then each form must have the themeswitcher, set visible=false and then set renderinviblecontrols=true for the form, which then affects all forms. It would be logical to on have the switcher available on one or two forms in an application only

This non visual comp would bypass this process...

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2012 14:25
by ScottWGast
I agree... this would be great.
Currently, I have a base form from which I inherit. In the base form OnCreate, I set the StyleSheet.Filename to the appropriate .css file in the ui-themes folder.

Self.StyleSheet.Filename:= WebApplication.ApplicationPath + 'wwwroot\ui-themes\' + IWServerController.Theme + '\jquery-ui.css';