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any chance for CG to go Open Source?

by EitanArbel » 15 Feb 2020 15:11

Dear CGDevTools,

while we understand you may be short on manpower and have other things to do beside the hard work of maintaining the CG pack, us users are stuck behind with an older version of intraweb.

is there a chance you contribute the package by releasing it as an Open Source project for the intraweb community please?

this would mean A LOT for us.

Thanks !
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Joined: 16 Jul 2013 22:27

by Alexander Bulei » 31 Mar 2020 17:58

Hi EitanArbel,

You can always purchase the source code :)

Best Regards.
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by Ciancio » 02 Apr 2020 11:46

Can you do whatever you want with the code after purchasing it?
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by ozelaya » 28 May 2020 17:40


With access to source code, It is possible to recompile for newer IW and Rad Studio versions without the need to wait for CG to release new compiled versions?

Thanks in adavnce,

Omar Zelaya
Posts: 193
Joined: 05 Apr 2013 21:06

by Alexander Bulei » 01 Jun 2020 16:46

Hi ozelaya,

Of course possible, but maybe can require some changes in can adjust by your self or wait for us.
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by roland » 05 Jul 2020 17:15

I have the source, but no time to do the maintenance myself.
It would really help to get a roadmap, when to expect the support of 15.2 .. or Delphi 10.4
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