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Versions release

by Jorge Sousa » 23 May 2012 15:32

Released beta version

- Added support for Intraweb 10.0.23 and 12.2.3 version
- Bug fix in Intraweb 11 for XE setup
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
Home Page:
Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by pedrolopes » 24 May 2012 16:41

Released beta version

- Added support for Intraweb 12.2.4 version
- Bug fix in Intraweb 10
Posts: 1
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:55

by Jorge Sousa » 28 May 2012 11:19

Released beta version

- Added default event on double click
- Added support for drop components inside JQComps
- Added DesignTime auto refresh
- Added Date Picker date property
- Added edit submit
- Bug fix FileUpload in IE
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
Home Page:
Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 12 Jun 2012 17:40

Released V1.0.0.561 – First Public Release

We are proud to announce the first public release!
The store is now open!

- License or 30 day trial limited to 2 users sessions
- Improvements in DesignTime
- Replaced Embedded Web Browser for DesigntTime HTML Render
- Client API Methods Implementation
- Client API Methods can now be called either in Ajax or Submit Events
- Major refactoring on TIWCGJQButtons. Is now TIWCGJQButtonSet
- TIWCGJQCheckBox css default classed changed to ‘ui-widget-content’
- TIWCGJQRegion default ZIndex changed to 0
- Replacement of property UrlFields with BrowserParams in TIWCGFunc, with the possibility of setting if browser sends JSon
- Added support for jqGrid version 4.3
- Added new jqGrid Events OnGetEditSelectData and OnGetSearchSelectData
- Added possiblity of not clearing the Destination Region in RenderRegionAsync
- Added Possibility of changing the Font in all components
- Added Background in TIWCGJQRegion and TIWCGJQDialog
- Added documentation insight and chm on instalation folder (still under construction)
- Added Link to Plugin Documentation in DesignTime
- Bug fix in TIWCGJQDatePicker if created in RunTime on an Ajax event
- Bug fix in jqGrid Client API Methods
- Bug fix in GridProvider after Edit and Add, was changing Provider’s Name
- Bug fix in Tabs. ClipRegion is now True by default for each Tab
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
Home Page:
Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 13 Jun 2012 09:32

Released V1.0.0.576

- Bug fix in jqGrid
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
Home Page:
Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 14 Jun 2012 17:43

Released V1.0.0.599

-Added more documentation
-Slider - store value on Submit
-HTMLEditor - Client API and store Saved Content on Submit
-Bug fix in JSon property Editor
-Bug fix in jqgrid javascript file
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
Home Page:
Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 21 Jun 2012 18:07

Released V1.0.0.645

-License Fixes
-Buttons not shown in Grid if JQGridNav wasn’t used in runtime
-More grid documentation
-Bug in adding records with own Add Dialog
-Support for Images in Grid, custom or DataSet – ftGraphic
-Fixed bug in Tabs Size
- Support for IW version 12.2.5
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
Home Page:
Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 29 Jun 2012 16:54

Released V1.1.0.746

-Included IWCGjQuery Mobile suite
-New Component : GMap
-Grid Column new property : ProviderName, to optionally map a FieldName to an existing Column Name
-Bug fix in Button, wasnt rendering PrimaryPicture and SecondaryPicture if only url was specified
-Bug fixes in IIS css rendering in some components
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
Home Page:
Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 06 Jul 2012 19:51

Released V1.1.0.808

- Bug fix changing column properties on ajax events
- Bug in TIWCGJQButton rendering Images when Url was specified
- New property in TIWCGJQButton: PrimaryPictureInTextSpan to render PrimaryImage outside span
- Fixes and help for GMap
- Added Gmap to demo
- Added Grid methods GroupingToogle, GroupingGroupBy and GroupingRemove to allow dynamic grouping
- Removed format check in DatePicker AltFormat
- Fixed a bug in RegisterKey in C++
- Javascript is now NOT rendered onLoad
- Fix: sending BrowserParams[].BrowserScript to server wasnt url encoding
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
Home Page:
Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58

by Jorge Sousa » 11 Jul 2012 12:11

Released V1.1.0.840

- New component: FancyCaptcha
- Bug fix in Dialog: ZIndex and Positioning
- Bug fix in Accordion for Intraweb 10
- Optimization in Demos for Intraweb 10
- Support for Intraweb 12.2.6
- Support for Intraweb X (10.1.1)
Best Regards
CGDevTools Develop / Support Team
Home Page:
Jorge Sousa
Posts: 4261
Joined: 17 May 2012 09:58


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