TIWCGJSCodeMirrorConfig.OnChange Property

When given, this function will be called every time the content of the editor is changed. It will be given the editor instance as first argument, and an {from, to, text, next} object containing information about the changes that occurred as second argument. from and to are the positions (in the pre-change coordinate system) where the change started and ended (for example, it might be {ch:0, line:18} if the position is at the beginning of line #19). text is an array of strings representing the text that replaced the changed range (split by line). If multiple changes happened during a single operation, the object will have a next property pointing to another change object (which may point to another, etc).

Namespace: IWCGJSCodeMirror
 property OnChange: TIWCGJSonFunc index 23 read GetFuncValue write SetFuncValue stored IsFuncStored;

Property Value