IWCGjQuery Suite

  • JQCheckBoxList

    JQCheckBoxList - component for checkbox list. Key features: - Themeroller support - Dsiplay inline feature - Filter box Online Demo  

  • JQGantt

    IWCGJQGantt - component for display gantt. Key features: - json import - export - jquery themeroller support - manage task statuses - manage dependecies - manage assignements (resources, roles, efforts) - full undo-redo support - cross browser (at least for recent versions) - work with template, easy way to edit/change the layout (require knowledge ofRead more about JQGantt[...]

  • IWCGJQCreditCardValidator

    IWCGJQCreditCardValidator - detects and validates credit card numbers. It’ll tell you the detected credit card type and whether the number length and Luhn checksum are valid for the type of card. Key features: - Detected credit card type - Luhn checksum Online Demo

  • IWCGJQDateTimePicker

    IWCGJQDateTimePicker- Allows select the date and time. Key features: - JQuery themeroller support - TimePicker only - Timezones - Intervals - Alternate Fields Online Demo

  • IWCGJQShowMessage

    IWCGJQShowMessage - shows quick styled messages and notifications. Key features: - Customizable look and feel - Growl-like notification - Cross-browser and platform - Simple API - Prompt dialog Online Demo


    IWCGJQGMap3 - allows you to finely manipulate yours markers and others objects, to associate custom data usable in each event. Key features: - Working with new Google Maps 3 API - Overlays : InfoWindow, Circle, Marker and more - Street View panorama - Google Maps Services

  • IWCGJQMarkItUp

    IWCGJQMarkItUp- allows you to turn any textarea into a markup editor. Html, Textile, Wiki Syntax, Markdown, BBcode or even your own Markup system can be easily implemented. Key features: - Fast and unobtrusive integration - Support for keyboard shortcuts - Toolbar and drop down menus - Ajax dynamic preview - jQuery UI theme support

  • IWCGJQToolBar

    JQToolBar - Toolbar allows you to quickly create tooltip style toolbars and easily customisable using the twitter bootstrap icons and provides flexability around the toolbars display and number of icons. Key features: - Easily customisable - Twitter bootstrap icons - JQuery UI Theme & icons - Possibility attach to iw control  

  • IWCGJQHotKeyHighlight

    IWCGJQHotKeyHighlight provides various options for highlighting access keys on web forms when the user presses their browser's access key shortcut key, e.g. Alt in Internet Explorer and Safari, Shift+Alt in Firefox. Key features: - Simple and quick usage - Cross-browser

  • IWCGJQPayPalCart

    IWCGJQPayPalCart is a great way to improve your PayPal integration by creating an overlay which appears as a user adds products to their cart. It’s a simple change that creates a wonderful new experience for your website!. Source Key features: - Customizable (E.g: Localization) - Client API - Easy use


    JQComponent for qr codes. Key features: - Encode simple text or link - Customizable  

  • IWCGJQBarCode

    JQComponent for generate barcodes. Key features: - Several types - Customizable