It is recommended to read carefully the Terms of Use and Privacy website of CentralGest Development Tools.
In accessing and using this Site, you agree to have read, understood and accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy hereunder, without any act or subsequent consent.
Copyright and Industrial Property
The contents of this Site, including the brand name and all data mentioned therein, are owned or exclusive use of CentralGest - Software Production, SA and companies authorized by it, and are protected under the general terms of law and national law and international protection of intellectual property.
The spread for personal use is permitted, but are totally prohibited unauthorized changes, copies, or sale of any content of this website.
the uses defined by law are allowed, namely the right to quote, whenever expressly identified its origin, and to modify the original documents.
It allowed the user to publish content from this Site, such as the case of News and Press Releases, provided that the copyright notice is clearly identified in all copies produced and since the end of the same, either information purposes only and has no commercial or personal effects. Is judicial process subject the offender related here prohibited or unauthorized acts.
All personal data and other information communicated through the internet, are our property and exclusive use. Such information will not have to be treated by us as confidential, but its use will be restricted and only disclosed to partners to request contact made of the Site user information.
All software is available for download on this website is provided by CentralGest - Software Production, SA, and whenever the terms of use are available as part of the contents of this software, we recommend that you proceed to read.
Cookies are used on the Site?
We do not resort to the use of cookies, so it does not need to enable / disable these browser features to access all content.
Not presented third-party ads, which often use cookies to collect information.
What is the purpose of internal links?
The CentralGest often uses internal links, and only one, in order to improve the usability of the Website properties.
Yes, the pages of this Site may resort to the use of links to external websites safe, but only for informative purposes.
The tab "Other Sites", has links to external websites owned by CentralGest - Software Production, SA, and also use these Terms of Use and Privacy.
Data collection
As the data provided are treated through the Site?
As a rule, the data on this Site are limited to name, address, telephone number or e-mail, but may be collected other data necessary for the supply of goods or services.
These data are required before the submission of forms to be completed by the user of the Site, such as the request for information, request for statement, request for contacts, request for partnership, and newsletter.
The purpose of the collection of personal and business information aims to substantially achieve the objectives for which it was collected, being for the exclusive use of the commercial purposes of CentralGest.
At any time the Site may cancel the newsletter subscription by following the instructions sent with it.
Who is responsible for processing the data?
The controller of the data is the CentralGest - Software Production, S.A.
Update of the Terms of Use and Privacy
Can contribute to improve the content of the Terms of Use and Privacy?
Yes, CentralGest thank the collaboration of all stakeholders of this Site, in order, to achieve service excellence, as soon as possible.
Suggestions can be submitted through the "Feedback" tab available on this Site.
When the Terms of Use and Privacy updated?
Where appropriate and necessary to show this content will be reviewed in order to ensure a higher quality service.
The content of the Terms of Use and Privacy were reviewed and updated on November 6, 2012.
Can contribute to improve the content of the Terms of Use and Privacy?
Yes, CentralGest thank the collaboration of all the users of this website in order to provide a service with the highest quality possible.
Suggestions can be submitted through the "Feedback" tab available on this Site.
Where can I send or clarify my doubts?
You can get additional information or any questions about the Terms of Use and Privacy, simply the effect send your questions to:
CentralGest - Software Production, SA (company headquarters)
Avenida Cidade de Coimbra, No. 92/94
3050 - 374 Mealhada
or to the email address: